Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Moving Up to the BIG TIME

I can't believe I forgot to post about this...  If you look back to one of the first posts about PG II, you will read of the horrible tragedy of the much anticipated ice maker croaking after making one batch of ice. 
the one and only batch of ice from the old machine

This was a sad, sad day for Matt as he had been Soooo looking forward to that badge of the true power boater, the ice maker.  Well, it took over a year but we finally have a new one!  It was an anniversary gift from me to Matt.  It took a few weeks to get it and Matt was going nuts waiting for it but I think it was worth the wait.  It fits perfectly into the cabinet, is very quiet and puts out a lot of ice.  I believe it makes 22 or 23 pounds a day, about twice as much as it actually holds.  Which is a good thing because now we are Joe's source for free ice. :)

perfect fit

after just a few hours...

1 comment:

Moristotle said...

Congratulations! Ha, "true power boater," I enjoy the concept.